“Mayfield North” is situated in the highly regarded Bungowannah district on the northern side of the Riverina Highway between the regional city of Albury and the township of Howlong. The property is approximately 20 kilometres north-west of Albury and eight kilometres south-east of Howlong.
“Mayfield North” is a well presented property of 134.9 hectares (or 333.1 acres). An additional adjoining 22.0 hectares (or 54.4 acres) is also offered for sale in two separate lots, being "Little Mayfield" and "Mayfield Meadow" (refer separate listings). Therefore, the total area offered for sale in three lots is approximately 156.9 hectares (or 387.5 acres).
“Little Mayfield” and “Mayfield Meadow” are offered for sale to include their own Council approved dwelling entitlements. Properties of this size with pre-approved building entitlements are extremely rare.
Comprised of flat to gently undulating topography, "Mayfield North" is sensibly sub-divided into eight paddocks for ease of management. Excellent stock water is provided all year round with a total of six large dams, a bore and three stock troughs. All fencing is stock proof and in good to excellent condition. Much of the internal fencing has been replaced and is electrified.
Native tree plantations have been developed to provide shelter for grazing stock. A central laneway system is also provided for ease of stock management and vehicle access.
“Mayfield North” has enjoyed an extensive pasture and fertiliser programme over the last ten years. The improved pastures comprise: lucerne, clovers, phalaris and ryegrass.
Multiple ideal house sites are provided to capture the beautiful district views. A building entitlement would require an amalgamation of the existing titles to provide a minimum area of 100 hectares (or 250 acres). Power and telephone are easily accessed internal to the property and adjacent to the Riverina Highway.
“Mayfield North” is a highly productive and versatile property suited to pasture production and livestock grazing, with management providing the following stocking numbers which are currently run on the property:
• 70 x spring calving Angus cows; and
• 130 x Angus yearling steers.
Comparatively, it is estimated this property can support up to 130 breeding cows and calves without the need to supplementary feed, depending on the season. The addition of “Little Mayfield” and “Mayfield Meadow” increases the estimated carrying capacity of the property to the equivalent of 150 breeding cows and calves.
In summary, “Mayfield North” presents an exciting and rare opportunity to purchase a highly productive grazing property in the tightly held Bungawannah district within easy access of the major regional cities of Albury/Wodonga and the township of Howlong.
If not sold prior, “Mayfield North” will be auctioned on-site on Saturday 18 November 2017 in conjunction with “Little Mayfield” and Mayfield Meadow” (refer separate listings). An electronic bidding platform will also be provided for buyers to ensure their participation from remote locations as required.
Given the buoyancy of the cattle market at present and the significant appeal to “lifestyle” buyers, “Mayfield North” is sure to generate significant interest.
For further information, please contact Mike Weller on 0410 663 041 or Kevin Corcoran on 0428 695 615.
The information contained herein is intended as a guide only and no guarantee is provided as to its accuracy. This content is provided using information obtained through sources deemed reliable including knowledge of the local area. Corcoran Parker accepts no responsibility for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any errors, inaccuracies or omissions.
Bore water
Fully Fenced
Water Tank