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266 Sandy Creek Road, Walwa VIC 3709

120.30 ha

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266 Sandy Creek Road, Walwa VIC 3709

120.30 ha

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“Kurnow’s” is situated in the highly regarded Upper Murray district bordering Sandy Creek Road along its northern and eastern boundaries and Cudgewa Bluff Road to the west. The property is approximately 120 kilometres east of the major regional cities of Albury/Wodonga and less than eight kilometres south of the township of Walwa.

“Kurnow’s” is a well presented property of approximately 120.3 hectares (or 297.1 acres) of freehold land set amongst the beautiful and picturesque Walwa district with easy access from Sandy Creek Road and Cudgewa Bluff Road. The property is ideally suited to the breeding and grazing of livestock, having been sensibly divided into six paddocks with a central laneway system for ease of stock management.

The property is comprised principally of highly productive alluvial creek flats. The topography is flat rising to gentle undulation. All areas are cleared ensuring maximum carrying capacity.

Excellent stock water is provided via a semi-permanent creek which flows through the middle of the property plus five spring fed dams and an additional large natural spring.

The property has been pasture improved with a mix of subterranean clovers ryegrasses and phalaris. The current owners have used much of this property in the past for the production of hay and silage.

An excellent fertiliser program has been maintained with approximately 50 percent of the area limed recently. The property is very clean with the owners maintaining a strict weed control program.

All fencing is stock proof excellent condition. Part electrification only is provided currently, although the infrastructure is provided supply electrification to all fence lines.

An old unused shearing plus a small hayshed are provided along the eastern boundary adjacent to Sandy Creek Road. There are no additional significant improvements.

"Kurnow's" provides a perfect add-on to "Yarrabee Park" in separate listing of 325.4 hectares.

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For further information please contact Mike Weller on 0410 663 041. Inspections are strictly by appointment only.


The information contained herein is intended as a guide only and no guarantee is provided as to its accuracy. This content is provided using information obtained through sources deemed reliable including knowledge of the local area. Corcoran Parker accepts no responsibility for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any errors, inaccuracies or omissions.


Fully Fenced


Spring water


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