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116 High Street, Mansfield VIC 3722

120 sq ft

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116 High Street, Mansfield VIC 3722

120 sq ft

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Mansfield Travellers Lodge Motel and Backpackers Inn - Business Sale

Make it your business - Boasting a Prime High Street Location - The Heritage “Mansfield Travellers Lodge Motel & Backpackers Inn" offers excellent visibility with High Street frontage and additional drive through access via Apollo Streets Commercial Zone.
This established business is enjoying increasing custom in this vibrant and rapidly growing Victorian tourism gateway/ destination - Mansfield - just 2 ½ hrs drive from Melbourne
Charming and clean, this 78 bed combination accommodation business with easy to maintain guest facilities offers a lifestyle opportunity to its entrepreneurial new owner/s .
Owner/ Managers 3 bedroom residence incorporates Reception at entry to High Street.
Excellent return client and group bookings run throughout the year in a regional town that continues to grow in popularity, year in / year out.
There’s healthy room for further business growth and improvement here.
Mansfield - Gateway to Mt Buller, Lake Eildon and Victoria’s Legendary High Country.
Call sole agents Corcoran Parker in Mansfield to discuss this exciting opportunity and arrange your inspection by appointment.
Derek Beautyman – 0427 625 622


The information contained herein is intended as a guide only and no guarantee is provided as to its accuracy. This content is provided using information obtained through sources deemed reliable including knowledge of the local area. Corcoran Parker accepts no responsibility for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any errors, inaccuracies or omissions.





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